Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today In Science Class

Today in Science class I learned many things about Physiology. Physiology is the function of body parts like what they do and how. For example, the digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body. That's pretty cool right? Wait until you hear these cool facts of science!

There are ten characteristics of life:

  • Movement- self-initiated change in position.
  • Responsiveness- ability to sense changes within or outside the body.
  • Growth
  • Reproduction- parents produce offspring.
  • Respiration- use oxygen to release energy.
  • Digestion- chemical changing of food substances.
  • Absorbtion- passing of digested products into body fluids.
  • Circulation- movement of fluids throughout the body.
  • Assimilation- Changing absorbed substances.
  • Excretion- removal of wastes.
These are the ten characteristics of life and last but not least, all living organisms need water, food, oxygen, heat, and pressure.

I hope you learned something today! Have a nice day.

Resources: www.wisc.com
Science teacher

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