Monday, September 15, 2014

The Muscular System

    Today I learned about the muscular system. The types of muscle are skeletal muscles that are striated and voluntary meaning they are controlled muscles, smooth muscles that are involuntary meaning they don't have control, and there is the cardiac muscle which is the heart.

You want to know what activates the muscle? The Acetylcholine activates the muscle. Its what makes your muscles move. Otherwise it would be stiff and tense. The energy source that keeps our bodies warm is Adenosine Tri Phosphate. When your food is broken down in your body, your body produces ATP when some of the energy is lost, ATP makes more heat for your body. Another thing I have learned is when you workout hard enough and your muscles become bigger, that means it is hypertrophy. When you don't workout, then it is atrophy, because your muscles become smaller and weak. You're not working your muscles or doing anything with them. When you strain your muscle or exercise too hard then you will have muscle fatigue. Also, when you get a muscle cramp, then you have either stretched too hard or you didn't stretch before you ran. 

You want to know the reason why you get so tired and it feels like you're breathing too hard when you are running? Well, the reason for that is because of "oxygen debt." "Oxygen is used to create ATP. While you are exercising, you may not have enough oxygen, and so this causes Lactic acid to spread in your muscles." This is what I have learned today about the muscular system. 

My science teacher

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