Friday, September 12, 2014

The Skeleton in Our Body thoughts

What if our body didn't have a skeleton? Would we be like a blob with no bones? What would we look like? Today, I thought to myself what would we be if we didn't have a skeleton in our body? It would be crazy if we didn't. You ever think that way? Like ask yourself what if questions when you are thinking about science or staring into space. Or if you are lost in your thoughts. Think about it. When you have the time. Here is today's science thoughts of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would look funny if we didn't have bones in our body. I also think we wouldn't be able to do the things we do today if we didn't have bones. But that is definitely something good to think of if you have the time to. Or like what if our bones were just cartilage instead of bone. Hmm.. theres a lot of weird things to think of when it comes to science.
