Tuesday, September 23, 2014


       Momentum is a term that can be used in Physics. It is the movement and motion. p= m*v. This is the scientific equation p is momentum and the m is mass; the v is velocity. So, multiply the mass and velocity of an object and you get momentum.
       How does the planet revolve and rotate? How do we jump and run in a basketball game? It all starts with momentum. Momentum is mostly used in sports. You need momentum to play basketball, to shoot a basketball, play  hockey, or any other sport you decide to play. Basketball, volleyball, football, dodgeball, and other sports all play a big role in momentum. Motion is the most important role that plays in the human world. We need momentum, otherwise, we wouldn't be moving or the world wouldn't be in motion like it is every 24 hours around the earth and 365 days around the sun.

     Here is a good momentum example I received from this National Basketball Camp I went to. "Tasks become easier with momentum. Picture a rock going down a hill; the larger the rock and the bigger the hill, the greater the momentum. The rock's momentum is energy is enough for it to roll downhill. Now imagine how much energy you would need to stop the rock and change direction especially if you have to push the rock uphill. This is the type of energy you need to change habits. Generate momentum." 

    So, momentum is very important to have if you want to be in sports or even move. Without this particular thing we wouldn't move as a whole. Paper airplanes wouldn't be able to fly if you threw it in the air without the momentum or motion to do so. It is just like having bones in our body, if we didn't have bones then we can't move. Well, that is the science term for the day, "hope you all liked it."

Freshman setter Jordan Robins and the Bruins had a team meeting after their loss to the Oregon Ducks to refocus and end their losing streak.            
Resources: Google images
My science teacher
National Basketball Camp

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