Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Review or My Point of View About The Muscular System

There are many things that I have learned about the human muscular system. Here are the things about the muscular system from my point of view. The muscular system basically provides the movement for the human body. Without muscles, the human would not be able to move. We would just be like a skeleton with no muscles. Without muscles, the organs in our body wouldn’t be able to work either because there are specific functions that involve the muscles with the organs. 
Your cardiac muscle or heart would not be able to pump blood because the human body wouldn’t have the muscle. Also, a human wouldn’t be able to breath without the cardiac muscle or heart. Without muscles, humans wouldn’t have strength, balance, there wouldn’t be upright posture, and there would not be body movement. Anyways, the muscular system is very important to the human body and without it we would be like Spongebob. No muscles, just a blob or a floppy human body. 
Now,  how do you think the human body would look like if the human body didn't have muscles? Do you think we would just be skeletons? Or do you think we wouldn't be alive? Lastly, what is your point of view on the muscular system? Well, that is today's blog, I hope you enjoyed it. Have an awesome day.

Resources: My science teacher

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