Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ebola: a Virus in the Human Body!

   Ebola is a virus disease. It is a sever fever or illness in the human body. The virus can be passed on  from wild animals and the disease will spread through the body. It can also be passed on by human- to-human interaction. That means when humans come in contact with blood, poop and pee, organs, or other body fluids from infected animals or humans. The symptoms usually start to show between two to twenty one days. The symptoms that show are fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat. Then, there is vomiting, diarrhea, rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver functions, sometimes there might be bleeding on the outside of your body and on the inside. The current update on where the virus is that it is in West Africa and it is pretty contagious. "It is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976." (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs103/en/) Well, there hasn't been a proven treatment to treat the virus in the human body but there are experimental treatments that the scientists or doctors are working on the two current Ebola patients that were in Africa.

    Pretty scary stuff right? I think this virus is pretty serious and I don't think I want to be in the U.S. for college anymore. From learning about this virus, I have changed my mind because I want to wait for the vaccine to come out. I'm too scared to go to the United States and the Ebola virus could be there. Well, that is it, I hope you learned something new today and enjoyed my post. Have a great day.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska!

          There was a earthquake Thursday morning at 9:50 a.m in Anchorage, Alaska and it was September 25, 2014 I was staying at the Hilton hotel and the whole hotel shook and moved. I was getting ready to go out and an earthquake happened. The bathroom was moving and shaking I was just standing there and I looked out the bathroom, the bed was moving, the drawers were moving, and everything else was moving. I was so shocked but scared because I was on the ninth floor in the hotel. I thought to myself, for a nice hotel like this, it is built to handle earthquakes, so I am fine. Other older hotels, like the Coast International wouldn't handle an earthquake.

          The earthquake had happened about 90 miles away in Willow, Alaska. The earthquake was a 6.2 magnitude. I find that hard to believe. It is weird that an earthquake happened when I'm in town. After the earthquake, I could feel the hotel sway right after the earthquake.

    Earthquakes happen because of plate tectonics. When the earth moves, somehow the plates hit each other and then boom, there's an earthquake. Another reason why there are earthquakes is the plates of the earth rub against each other or one plate goes under the other.
    In Anchorage, some people's business offices were damaged and at Romig Middle School the ceiling was damaged. Anyways, earthquakes are unbelievable things and I hope you learned something new that happened in the world.

Resources: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ak11401855#summary
Channel 2 Alaska news
Google Images

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Three Specific Body Systems that are Necessary for Life

    The nervous system is very important to the human body and it is necessary for life. The functions of the nervous system are the Sensory function, Integrative function, and the Motor function. The Sensory function gathers information when changes occur within and around the human body. The Integrative function is where “information is brought together,” like it makes decisions, creates sensations, creates thoughts, and adds to your memory in the human body. Last, the Motor function responds to signals. Without the nervous system, we as a human wouldn’t have our sense of smell, taste, hear, vision, or touch. That is why the nervous system is necessary for life.

        The Sensory system is important and necessary for life. This system has most of all the body traits we need. There is the sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of hearing, the sense of equilibrium, and sense of touch. Every human needs these senses in life. Without these senses working, the human life wouldn’t be necessary because we all need senses for the human body otherwise how would we live without senses. All humans need to see, touch, hear, taste, and to have the sense of equilibrium.

       The Endocrine system is very important to the human body and it is necessary for life. If it wasn’t for the Endocrine system then we wouldn’t have the Pituitary gland, which releases hormones like when you have puberty, the thyroid gland, which controls your metabolism, the parathyroid gland, where four tiny glands help maintain calcium and phosphorous levels. Then, you have the Adrenal gland, which produces adrenaline in the human body and the pancreas that is to keep the blood sugar levels healthy. Without all of these particular glands, then the human body won’t be able to change from puberty, the metabolism won’t be controlled, there wouldn’t be calcium and phosphorous levels, the blood sugar levels would be unhealthy, and lastly the adrenaline rushes that the human has won’t be there. So, my point is this is a system that is necessary for the human body. These are all important systems that are very necessary to have for the human body.

Edited by my Science teacher     

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


       Momentum is a term that can be used in Physics. It is the movement and motion. p= m*v. This is the scientific equation p is momentum and the m is mass; the v is velocity. So, multiply the mass and velocity of an object and you get momentum.
       How does the planet revolve and rotate? How do we jump and run in a basketball game? It all starts with momentum. Momentum is mostly used in sports. You need momentum to play basketball, to shoot a basketball, play  hockey, or any other sport you decide to play. Basketball, volleyball, football, dodgeball, and other sports all play a big role in momentum. Motion is the most important role that plays in the human world. We need momentum, otherwise, we wouldn't be moving or the world wouldn't be in motion like it is every 24 hours around the earth and 365 days around the sun.

     Here is a good momentum example I received from this National Basketball Camp I went to. "Tasks become easier with momentum. Picture a rock going down a hill; the larger the rock and the bigger the hill, the greater the momentum. The rock's momentum is energy is enough for it to roll downhill. Now imagine how much energy you would need to stop the rock and change direction especially if you have to push the rock uphill. This is the type of energy you need to change habits. Generate momentum." 

    So, momentum is very important to have if you want to be in sports or even move. Without this particular thing we wouldn't move as a whole. Paper airplanes wouldn't be able to fly if you threw it in the air without the momentum or motion to do so. It is just like having bones in our body, if we didn't have bones then we can't move. Well, that is the science term for the day, "hope you all liked it."

Freshman setter Jordan Robins and the Bruins had a team meeting after their loss to the Oregon Ducks to refocus and end their losing streak.            
Resources: Google images
My science teacher
National Basketball Camp

Monday, September 22, 2014

Optical Illusions

"An optical illusion is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality." (Wikipedia.org/optical-illusion). It is made to make your eyes and brain perceive images in a way you see things differently. Like if you look at this picture, you will see the picture differently like it is moving or showing something that your mind don't usually pick up. If you take a look at this picture, you might be thinking, "oh that is a big hole that she is riding over," but that is not real, you see your brain sees a picture and it makes you think it is real but it's not. It is actually a painting on the ground.

funny optical optical illusions rotating cat 71 Funny Optical Optical Illusions Rotating Catthe illusion Optical Illusions Optical Illusion Illusions illusion pictures funny optical optical illusions rotating cat

The reason why you see things this way or see illusions move is because your mind perceives images in such a way that it processes the little details and the movement. When you look really close at optical illusions, your brain and eyes trigger your brain to see the missing pieces of the image and to see the movement. When, in reality, the image is not really moving. Tricky right?  For example, illusions trick your mind into seeing something different than what they actually are. (http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-optical-illusions-trick-your-brain-nathan-s-jacobs) Why does our mind see illusions? Why do we see illusions moving or changing? The reason for that is our brain taught our mind to catch the missing things and see movement when really it is not moving. Our brain works in many ways, how would you see illusions without your brain and eyes. You wouldn't be able to. (Optical illusions powerpoint presentation). Your mind and eyes are the perfect key to seeing optical illusions. Without those particular parts of the human body, then we wouldn't be able to see illusions like how they move or change. "The human brain puts images together because it has learned to expect things; sometimes the information might get a little confused." (Optical illusions powerpoint) We see an illusion because we know what we are expected to see, even though part of a picture may not show up in the part of your brain. It is how our eyes and brain perceive images.

Resources: http://funeyetest.com/funny-optical-optical-illusions-rotating-cat/
Science teacher

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Review or My Point of View About The Muscular System

There are many things that I have learned about the human muscular system. Here are the things about the muscular system from my point of view. The muscular system basically provides the movement for the human body. Without muscles, the human would not be able to move. We would just be like a skeleton with no muscles. Without muscles, the organs in our body wouldn’t be able to work either because there are specific functions that involve the muscles with the organs. 
Your cardiac muscle or heart would not be able to pump blood because the human body wouldn’t have the muscle. Also, a human wouldn’t be able to breath without the cardiac muscle or heart. Without muscles, humans wouldn’t have strength, balance, there wouldn’t be upright posture, and there would not be body movement. Anyways, the muscular system is very important to the human body and without it we would be like Spongebob. No muscles, just a blob or a floppy human body. 
Now,  how do you think the human body would look like if the human body didn't have muscles? Do you think we would just be skeletons? Or do you think we wouldn't be alive? Lastly, what is your point of view on the muscular system? Well, that is today's blog, I hope you enjoyed it. Have an awesome day.

Resources: My science teacher