Thursday, October 30, 2014

The World Will Die With All the People Having Global Sicknesses, Viruses and Diseases


      The fourth way how the world might end is by the world having global epidemics of sicknesses, viruses, and diseases. Everyone will all die out from these epidemics. The one that is really going to hit every state is ebola. That is very serious. It has been viral in Africa. The people of America will be affected by ebola. From not banning flights and all that, there is going to be ebola getting everywhere in the United States from the infected person that is bringing it with them. It's just like a contagion. So, this is the other way I think the world might end.

Resources: Google Images 

1 comment:

  1. I believe that this maybe the way the world may end. They keep finding all these new sickness, diseases, and viruses. One reason I think all these new sickness and stuff are happening is because scientists are trying to make new ones or something like that. Well thats what I think, not trying to blame it all on them but yea. I am surely not the only one that thinks this I am pretty sure a lot of other people do too. But it is sort of scary to think of the world ending, or how it will end because I dont want it to end and I still have a lot I want to experience. I hope the world doesn't end until I am dead. :P
