Monday, October 6, 2014

Hunting Reindeer: The Reindeer Defense Mechanisms

             Today, I went reindeer hunting for the first time. It was very fun. We went to Lake Hill and we spotted the reindeer pack and drove close enough where it is a close walking distance. On the downside, after awhile, my class and I, got ready to go to the pack quietly and steadily, the pack ran off. They were spooked somehow by somebody or something. So, we had to go hike a lot further. 

             We left Lake Hill and we were close to Little Polovina Hill. When all of us got close enough to the pack (at least 200 yards) we had to army crawl because the reindeer could easily spot us if we walked. Some of my classmates had bright colors on, and they could be seen easily so they had to be in the back crawling. That is why, you use dark colors like black, dark grey, or camouflage when hunting. 

            What I learned today is the defense mechanisms for reindeer. The class and I were close enough to the reindeer pack and we could see them. Our hunting instructor and one student had to crawl down close enough to shoot a reindeer and we had to wait quietly. Then after at least 30-40 minutes, the instructor shot his 22 rifle and unfortunately he missed. But we all have those days when we go on a hunt, and sometimes we are not quite lucky. The reindeer didn't run to a different spot, they stayed in the same place. The reindeer, the older ones, ran around and surrounded the younger ones in the middle, they huddled as a circle like shape. They ran around the young to keep them safe, so they won't get shot or hurt. That is the defense mechanism I learned about reindeer today while hunting with the class. 

Resource: My science teacher and Hunting Instructor

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