Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digestive system: Mouth

       The mouth consists of the tongue, palate, palatine tonsils, and the teeth. The mouth is what begins the digestive process by making your food that you eat become smaller and it is mixed with saliva from your tongue. The tongue moves your food when chewing and it connects to the floor or bottom of your mouth. You could move your food to either side of your mouth with your tongue. The palate forms the "roof of the oral cavity (hard and soft), uvula at the back of the mouth. Palatine tonsils are at the back of the mouth or throat and it is the organs that protect against infection. Finally, there is teeth where there is primary and secondary teeth like incisors, cuspids, bicuspids (premolars), and molars." The incisors in your mouth are teeth that are in the front and are narrow edged and adapted for cutting. There are four incisors in each jaw; in the upper part of the mouth and lower. The cuspids are the canine teeth which is long and sharp. They are located on the upper part of your mouth and they could be known as eye teeth also if you had some. The bicuspids are the teeth between the canine teeth and the molar teeth. Lastly, the molars are the teeth that are located on the upper part of the mouth and the bottom. So, there are four first molars and there are four second molars. http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/digestive/notes_digestive.html

       There are many things about the tooth in the mouth. The crown is above the gums. The root is on the jaw. The tooth enamel is made of calcium salts, and it on the outside of the tooth that is "the hardest substance in our body." http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/digestive/notes_digestive.html Dentin is just like a bone but it surrounds the tooth's cavity. Lastly, the blood vessels and nerves that extends through the tooth. This tooth enamel is very important to have. Don't lose the tooth enamel in your mouth. These are all of the facts that I learned about the mouth.

Resources: http://www.biologycorner.com/anatomy/digestive/notes_digestive.html

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