Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Aliens Will Invade The Earth

     I don't believe in Unidentified Flying objects but I do believe that aliens will invade the earth. Everyone will die one by one. I think this because of the movie "War of the Worlds." Aliens could be in the sky above us and we don't even know it. They may be watching us and abducting us in our sleep. Aliens are strange. I am sure that they are real though somewhere out here in the world. They might be waiting for the right moment to invade our world. Anyways, that is the third way how the world might end.

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered if aliens do exist. But if the world were to end I don't think it would be like that, I think it would be more damaging like a bunch of asteroids hitting the earth, or we have a bunch of big earthquakes, or even the world filling up with magma and exploding in many countries then we die..
