Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Very Huge Earthquake with a Tsunami That Will End The World

     I believe this would be the fifth way of how the world is going to end. There will the biggest earthquake everywhere in the United States and out of the United States. The earthquake will then trigger all the oceans, seas,  and rivers to create the biggest tsunami in the whole world. Everyone will die because of this really big tsunami. This tsunami will wipe out everyone state, continent, country, and capital. At least, that is what I think is going to happen. This is the last way I think the world might end. Hope you guys liked my ideas on how the world might end. I will have new blogs with new topics next week. Until then, thank you for viewing my blogs.
Resources: Google Images

The World Will Die With All the People Having Global Sicknesses, Viruses and Diseases


      The fourth way how the world might end is by the world having global epidemics of sicknesses, viruses, and diseases. Everyone will all die out from these epidemics. The one that is really going to hit every state is ebola. That is very serious. It has been viral in Africa. The people of America will be affected by ebola. From not banning flights and all that, there is going to be ebola getting everywhere in the United States from the infected person that is bringing it with them. It's just like a contagion. So, this is the other way I think the world might end.

Resources: Google Images 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Aliens Will Invade The Earth

     I don't believe in Unidentified Flying objects but I do believe that aliens will invade the earth. Everyone will die one by one. I think this because of the movie "War of the Worlds." Aliens could be in the sky above us and we don't even know it. They may be watching us and abducting us in our sleep. Aliens are strange. I am sure that they are real though somewhere out here in the world. They might be waiting for the right moment to invade our world. Anyways, that is the third way how the world might end.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Huge Asteroid Is Going To Hit The Earth

            Another way how the world is going to end is by a really huge asteroid hitting earth. If there was an asteroid heading toward earth, we would already have seen it. We all know the sun is not a threat to us either because it has been shining in the sky for billions of years and it hasn't caused any harm. I believe an asteroid will hit earth and wipe us all out because the asteroid will be so huge and it will destroy the entire earth. We would all be gone. Anyways, that is the second way the world will probably end.
 Resources: Google Images

Monday, October 27, 2014

Zombie Apocalypse

    This week I'm going to be talking about five ways of how the world is going to possibly end. I think the first way of how the world is going to end is by a zombie apocalypse. There will be this weird virus going around that is worst than ebola and people would get infected because it is an airborne virus. One person will get the virus by getting bitten by a bat or something infectious with the virus. Or they could come into contact with bodily fluids from something or someone. Then, after the first person is a zombie, the next person after will get bitten, and so on and so forth. Everyone will be zombies. Almost everyone who dies and turns into zombies will be eating brains all the time. There will be a zombie apocalypse when the world ends or if it does. 

Resources: Google Images 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Meteor Shower!

    Starting at 10p.m this evening there will be an Orionid meteor shower. It is going to be a good show this year, so better go out and check it out! The moon will be slimmed down to a narrow crescent before sunrise on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 morning during the peak of the shower. The skinny lunar line will not even rise until around 5 a.m.

    If you can't see the meteor shower from outside your home, then you could watch it live online. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama will show a live webcast tonight on October 20, 2014 starting at 10 p.m. They will show live meteor showers, if you don't see it outside your home. You can watch the live meteor shower on

   The meteors are known as "Orionids" because they seem to move from a region to the North of the group of stars, Orion's second brightest star, Betelgeuse. As of right now, the Orion is ahead of Earth with the planet's journey around the sun, and it does not appear to rise completely above the Eastern horizon up until after 11p.m tonight, the local time.

    The Orionid meteor shower happens every year because the famous Halley Comet leaves dust behind when the Earth passes through the cycle. Every year, this comet creates two meteor showers on Earth. Comets are the leftovers from when the solar system first formed, the bits and pieces of simple gases- methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. This went unused when the sun and its attended planets came into their present form.

    The absolute best time to watch this amazing meteor shower is around 1 or 2a.m when it begins again. That is the best time because you could see everything better and the stars will be high in the sky and that means that there will be more meteors all over the sky. The Orionids are known meteor showers that are observed and seen in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The meteors are not well seen in cities or towns but you can see them better in rural communities like the countryside. The Orionids are one of the better annual displays, producing more about 15 to 20 meteors per hour at their peak.

  The meteor shower will be active for many days after. It will last from the October 20, 2014 and to the 24th. Look outside right before sunrise and you might catch a sight of a meteor in the sky. The meteor shower will begin to slow down after the morning of October 21, 2014. It will only show five meteors per hour around the date of October 26, 2014. Then, the last meteors will show in early to mid November.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digestive system: Mouth

       The mouth consists of the tongue, palate, palatine tonsils, and the teeth. The mouth is what begins the digestive process by making your food that you eat become smaller and it is mixed with saliva from your tongue. The tongue moves your food when chewing and it connects to the floor or bottom of your mouth. You could move your food to either side of your mouth with your tongue. The palate forms the "roof of the oral cavity (hard and soft), uvula at the back of the mouth. Palatine tonsils are at the back of the mouth or throat and it is the organs that protect against infection. Finally, there is teeth where there is primary and secondary teeth like incisors, cuspids, bicuspids (premolars), and molars." The incisors in your mouth are teeth that are in the front and are narrow edged and adapted for cutting. There are four incisors in each jaw; in the upper part of the mouth and lower. The cuspids are the canine teeth which is long and sharp. They are located on the upper part of your mouth and they could be known as eye teeth also if you had some. The bicuspids are the teeth between the canine teeth and the molar teeth. Lastly, the molars are the teeth that are located on the upper part of the mouth and the bottom. So, there are four first molars and there are four second molars.

       There are many things about the tooth in the mouth. The crown is above the gums. The root is on the jaw. The tooth enamel is made of calcium salts, and it on the outside of the tooth that is "the hardest substance in our body." Dentin is just like a bone but it surrounds the tooth's cavity. Lastly, the blood vessels and nerves that extends through the tooth. This tooth enamel is very important to have. Don't lose the tooth enamel in your mouth. These are all of the facts that I learned about the mouth.


Digestive System: Alimentary Canal

      The alimentary canal is 9 meters long from the mouth to the anus. The seven main parts of the alimentary canal is the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anal canal. The structure of the wall of the alimentary canal is that it's composed of the mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, and the serosa. 'The mucosa protects tissues and carries out absorption. The submucosa contains glands, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. The muscular layer is a smooth muscle tissue, circular and longitudinal fibers, and pushes food. Last, the serosa is the visceral peritoneum, outer covering of the tube, and it moistens and lubricates structures."  The movements of the tube are mixing movements and propelling movements. Mixing movements are "rhythmic contractions that mix food with digestive juices. Propelling movements are "rings of muscles that contract and relax to push food down the canal." These are the general characteristics of the alimentary canal in the digestive system.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Functions of The Digestive System

        The digestive system in the human body consists of important functions that humans need to process food in their bodies. The digestive system is a mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods and the absorbtion of nutrients by cells. This system consists of the alimentary canal and the accessory organs. The organs that are in the digestive system are the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. These are the functions of the digestive system.

Stay tuned for the next blogs about the digestive system in the human body.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cooking and Eating Reindeer Meat

     When you cook reindeer meat, you will need a cutting board, knife, bowl or pan, and a meat grinder. Once you have these tools or items, start processing the reindeer meat. First, you cut the reindeer meat into small pieces and then put them into the meat grinder. Make sure the bowl or pan is under the meat grinder and place your hand on top of the meat to push it down. Don't put your fingers into the meat grinder, just place your palm on the meat to let the meat go into the grinder. If your fingers get into the grinder, they will get chopped off, so be cautious. Also, make sure to take the fat off the reindeer meat with your knife. The fat might clog up the meat grinder. Then, once you are done with that process for the meat, you could season the meat and cook it if you wanted to. That is how you cook reindeer meat.

Resources: Bering Sea Days/Teacher

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reindeer Meat

       Did you know that reindeer meat tastes different when you shoot it when it is running or when the reindeer is tired from running? The reason why the meat tastes different is because of the lactic acid that courses through the body when the reindeer is running. This lactic acid courses through their bodies because of their food intake. This is during the feeding of the staved reindeer that is on a conventional diet. Which means that they eat grass most of the time. So, don't shoot the reindeer when it is in motion or when it is running. The meat of the reindeer will taste different. Wait calmly and patiently to shoot the reindeer when it is calm and chill on the ground or something when it is not moving.

Resources: Teacher and Hunting instructor

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hunting Reindeer: The Reindeer Defense Mechanisms

             Today, I went reindeer hunting for the first time. It was very fun. We went to Lake Hill and we spotted the reindeer pack and drove close enough where it is a close walking distance. On the downside, after awhile, my class and I, got ready to go to the pack quietly and steadily, the pack ran off. They were spooked somehow by somebody or something. So, we had to go hike a lot further. 

             We left Lake Hill and we were close to Little Polovina Hill. When all of us got close enough to the pack (at least 200 yards) we had to army crawl because the reindeer could easily spot us if we walked. Some of my classmates had bright colors on, and they could be seen easily so they had to be in the back crawling. That is why, you use dark colors like black, dark grey, or camouflage when hunting. 

            What I learned today is the defense mechanisms for reindeer. The class and I were close enough to the reindeer pack and we could see them. Our hunting instructor and one student had to crawl down close enough to shoot a reindeer and we had to wait quietly. Then after at least 30-40 minutes, the instructor shot his 22 rifle and unfortunately he missed. But we all have those days when we go on a hunt, and sometimes we are not quite lucky. The reindeer didn't run to a different spot, they stayed in the same place. The reindeer, the older ones, ran around and surrounded the younger ones in the middle, they huddled as a circle like shape. They ran around the young to keep them safe, so they won't get shot or hurt. That is the defense mechanism I learned about reindeer today while hunting with the class. 

Resource: My science teacher and Hunting Instructor

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blood in the Human Body

         The main function of blood is that it transfers and transports specific substances and it maintains in control of the body. The body stays normal from blood and it stays in balance. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma are all in blood. Red blood cells transports oxygen throughout the body and picks up carbon dioxide. White blood cells fight against sickness and diseases. Platelets help from blood clots and it helps repair damaged blood vessels.

My science teacher