Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pulling a Muscle: Muscle/Back Strain

       Yesterday in Carpentry class, there were only five of us in class. So, we all decided to go to the gym and play basketball for a little bit. When I shot a three pointer, a very big pain shot through the lower part of my back. I was stiff for a little while because my back was really hurting. I didn't know what I did for a while but I kept shooting around in the gym to see if it would go away but it didn't. Then, after that, the class went down to the weight room and I just laid down the whole time. I thought that would work but it did not work. I was still feeling the pain in my lower back. 
       After class was over, I called the clinic to set up an appointment for the next day. That night, I couldn't sleep very well; I was tossing and turning. It was a sensational pain all night long. I was strong all-night and slept through the pain. It got a little better the next day but I could still feel my backache from the pain. I went to my appointment around lunch. The doctor did their normal routine with every patient with the vitals and weight/height check-ups. Then, they checked on how I was doing and what was wrong with me. I told her that I have been having back pain and that it started the day when I was in the gym playing basketball.
      She checked my back and lightly went down back to see where it hurt. She also checked if my kidneys hurt to see if I have a kidney infection. If I had a kidney infection, then I would have a Urinal Tract Infection or a fever. I didn't seem to have those symptoms and my kidneys didn't hurt. She did a whole bunch of weird things like I had to walk across the room twice on my toes and heels. She stretched my legs a certain way to see if it hurt and I had to move my feet and legs. All of these things that she checked on came down to a pulled muscle or muscle/back strain.
      I pulled my muscle while playing basketball. This is my first injury. It really hurts. All I need to do for treatment is ice my back pain area four times a day for twenty minutes. I can't stop doing anything; I have to stay active. I have to do certain kinds of stretches. There is no heavy lifting, rotation, and swinging movements that may exacerbate low back strain. Pulling a muscle is the worst pain and I suggest that you be careful when playing sports and to stretch properly before playing or doing anything major. That is the joy of pain; it demands to be felt. That is my start of the week folks. 

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