Monday, April 6, 2015

My Pulled Muscle/Back Strain Has Healed!

            It is official; my pulled muscle in my back has healed! My back is feeling way better than before. I have going through a lot of pain with my back and today I feel refreshed. Today in school, I have been feeling good. For once, my back doesn't hurt or ache.
           Now, since I know to stretch every time before I play, I do stretch. Today in gym, I did some backstretches and regular stretches before I played basketball. I was kind of nervous for playing but that feeling left my body once I started playing and shooting around. My injury lasted seven days and that is a long time for basketball players. I was feeling pretty mad when I was sitting out while the others were playing basketball while I was sitting on the bench. Injuries really make you want to do something you are not supposed to. When my back wasn't healed, I really wanted to play basketball and play softball with the class but I couldn't.
            This injury made me think about all of the downsides of not stretching. I understand why the teachers tell us to stretch before playing around in the gym or working out. You will pay the price, if you don't stretch properly before playing sports or playing in active activities. Anyways, today was a good day. It was full of laughter and happiness. 
            In gym, I had such a blast. Before I played basketball, I stretched. My teacher helped me with some backstretches and showed me some good ones. It felt good to stretch but my teacher said that he noticed that I am still kind of stiff. I know that because I don't want to have an injury again and so I am being cautious. I'm trying not to be too stiff but I still need to be cautious and to not stretch too hard. 
           This week will be great since my back is fine now. I am ready to be active everyday and get back into working out in gym class. I want to be fit for the summer and that is not so far away. Hopefully, I will have a summer body or at least something when I go to college. Well, that is it. I can tell this summer is going to be the most amazing summer I can ever ask for because I graduate May 15 and that is 39 days away. My last blogs will be May 15, 2015. Before that, my blogs may be done. So, for all of my viewers, treasure the last of my blogs for which the day is coming closer and closer. 

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