Monday, December 15, 2014

Steganography Detection/Decryption

                   Steganography is the technique of hiding a message inside something that is totally obvious to see. Steganography detection is usually handled separately from steganography decryption. It is an automatic tool that makes steg detection and decryption in a way that it makes it easily accessible to the law enforcement that has not yet been developed. No one expects the existence of the hidden message. It could be in an email, grocery list, paper, or anything else. This practice goes back in time to the days of the Ancient Greeks, where the invention of the personal computer created a new digital steganographic technique such as hidden messages in text, image, and videos. 

                        Steganography is also known as steg or stego and it poses as a challenge for the law enforcement. The files are not just hidden but they could also be encrypted meaning that it could be a code or could not be accessed. It adds another layer of security. The information or clues of the hidden message could be in plain sight or in digital files like in videos or in music. 

                         There are not only steganographic algorithms and programs that are available. There are more than 30 publicly available. One of the most illegal uses of steganography is for the possession of storage of child pornography images. Steganography can also be used for committing fraud, terrorist activities, and other illegal acts. Newer steganography devices or techniques are being developed and making the current detection tools unsuccessful. Video steganography is a huge problem for the law enforcement but there still isn't detection tools available. 

                               I think this is really good for tracking and finding evidence for crimes. The tools will help out the law enforcement a lot. It is great that we have technology like this for solving crimes. Our society is full of great inventions and technology. It is great that we have all of these resources to use. In conclusion, technology like this shows that our world is full of great and wondrous things. What do you think about this steganography detection and decryption? What do you think about all of this? Do you think it is good that we have stuff like this for the law enforcement? Think about it.


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