Monday, December 8, 2014

Einstein's Big Idea

           The movie, Einstein’s Big Idea starts out by describing the formula E=mc2 Energy was first discovered in London, England in 1812. Before energy was discovered, people just thought that it was a random force acting upon someone or something that created movement. Michael Faraday wanted to become a scientist. One day, one of his master’s customers offered Faraday an invitation to hear a speech from Sir Humphrey Davy about his scientific discoveries. This made Faraday even happier and excited to become a scientist and so he made a book of his own discoveries to impress Davy and apparently it worked. Davy later got into an accident with one of his experiments and he hurt himself. As a result he offered Faraday a job to be his laboratory assistant. Faraday came up with the idea of energy. However, other scientists were trying to figure out why a compass needle moves when an electric current runs through it from a wire. Faraday made a suggestion that it might be energy flowing through it, and it is a force that runs around the wire and that causes the compass to move perpendicular to the current.

            Antoine Lavoisier was a tax collector. He discovered the conservation of mass. He figured out that mass can’t be created or destroyed. Later, one person discovered something and showed Lavoisier but Lavoisier was the type of person who always wanted proof behind his experiments. He was telling the person that it is not science unless there is evidence behind the discovery. And later on, Lavoisier was executed because he talked bad to that one person who made a discovery. He was denounced.
In 1897 in the town of Zurich, Switzerland, Albert Einstein wasn’t a really good student in college. He loved Physics so he did great in that class and in Science and Math. He wasn’t diligent in other classes. After graduation from college, Einstein worked at the Bern Patent Office. His fascination was with light. The speed of light was as fast as 670,000,000 miles per hour. The letter that represented the speed of light was C. Einstein’s approach to life was that he didn’t really care about his job but to only know how God created the world. Einstein’s biggest year was in 1905. This was when Einstein had a conclusion that mass and energy are one which is in the same formula E=mc2. Also, he had a theory about atoms and how they exist. Lastly, he had his explanation about the nature and speed of light. His theory was that he suggested nothing could move faster than the speed of light.
           Einstein was an absolutely brilliant man. He was the father of all modern physics and he is very famous for his discoveries today. Einstein did all kinds of incredible calculations and observations from his head and he described his awareness into mathematical formulas for others to see. Upon his results and experimentations within his theories, the world changed overnight.
Resources: Science class and Einstein's Big Idea movie & Notes 

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