Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Muscle Activity (Health Science)

                  You ever dream about dunking or you ever dunk a basketball before? If you have dunked a basketball, that is cool. My dream is to dunk a basketball. It is my goal to work out everyday on Christmas break and even after break. My teacher said to really work out my legs and keep my workouts constant like everyday. I haven't started yet because of all of my homework but soon I will start working out my muscles and everything. I plan on building up my muscles because I'm pretty weak and I have to get strong in order to box out in basketball. I want to be able to dunk, rebound, and box out big defenders in the box. What I mean by boxing out is pushing them from the ball. You will be in a dribbling position and your strength from your body will be pushing them and you'll be using mostly using your legs and butt for support.

                   I told my friends that by the end of the year, I will be so in shape and fit that I will have abs. They don't want me to but I bet they will see that when I do get abs, they will change their minds. I want to do push ups, squats, pull ups, and many other workouts. I'm hoping that my teacher will lend me some Insanity workouts again like he did this Summer for me to get in shape. On the other hand, these are my goals and dreams that I want to accomplish this year sometime soon.

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