Monday, November 24, 2014

What do you think about the Pebble Mine in Alaska? (Water Science How It Affects The Environment)

            Pebble is a hard igneous rock that contains crystals or it can be called a porphyry copper that deposits rocks in the water and it is the deposit that is the largest underdeveloped deposit of its kind. The pebble mine right now is an idea. An idea that could help power our nation’s green energy initiatives. It is an idea that could bring jobs, buildings, roads, and power supplies to Southwest Alaska. This will help villages and the communities thrive.

            There are also cons to the pebble mine. It is a controversy over the proposed pebble mine that is based on the potential risk to the salmon and other fisheries. It might create dirty waters and this will eventually lead to environmental disaster if built. The pebble mine can bring pollution like chemicals and toxins that could harm people and there could be an accidental spill of chemicals and byproducts like heavy metal and acid drainage to the environment. It is dangerous to fish and other wildlife. Salmon and freshwater fish are vulnerable to pollutants. This will threaten the fisheries and subsistence lifestyle in communities. So, there could be many disadvantages and advantages when thinking about the controversy about the Pebble mine in Alaska. 


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