Tuesday, November 11, 2014


         I think Botox is the worst thing that was ever invented. You just inject it into your body with a syringe/needle and bam it instantly ruins you. I see a lot of celebrities getting Botox and using it for their butts. That is just gross. Why not keep your body the same way as it is. Instead of injecting Botox into your supposedly flat butt, just eat and it will get bigger or gain muscle by working out a lot. I'm not saying this to be mean or anything but this is what I think in general.
         I also see women using it on their faces. In my opinion, don't use Botox. It destroys the real you and it defeats the purpose of being yourself. Everyone is beautiful without Botox. Botox is just a way of saying, "I need to get prettier because society says so." No, just no. Don't get Botox. It could be very hazardous to your life. It might even be life threatening. So, if you decide to get Botox, remember, don't get it because of society, get it because it is what you actually want to do it for yourself.

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