Wednesday, November 26, 2014


             Dreams can be neurologically logical. What I mean by that is that your brains activity is different when you're sleeping. Your brain projects images and makes light out of dreams meaning that your dreams have picture. This might explain why dreams are "emotionally charged"and often deal with feelings of danger. 
             Last night, I had a weird dream. I was staying at a hotel in Anchorage at the Captain Cook with my Papa John. It was around night time and I was sleeping on my bed in the hotel room. Then, all of a sudden, I was pushed really hard by something. I got up really fast on my bed and the drawers in front of me were opening and slamming really hard. There was nothing there. It must have been an evil spirit. After that had happened in my dream, my papa got a lot of holy water and started to make crosses on the bed and walls. It was so scary. The crosses started to turn red and it started to burn. My cousin Kiana came to my room at our hotel and she brought holy water. She just randomly started sprinkling me with the water and getting me wet all over my clothes. I guess it was for protection. I was hearing a chant, but I wasn't picking up what it was saying or who was saying it. After a while, I left out of my hotel room and that was when I opened my eyes from my dream. I woke up scared and I looked at the time. It was four in the morning. I stared at the window for long time and then fell back asleep. That was my dream.         
            You can also dream during "Non-REM" sleep. REM means Rapid Eye Movement while your asleep. Non-REM sleep is when you are dreaming and you're sleeping. Now, REM sleep is when you are at the stage of waking up from your dream. But you are more than likely to remember your dreams in REM dreams than those who are in Non-REM. So, during REM sleep, people may interact with more people other than themselves. They may interact with strangers and the dreamer may have "socially aggressive interactions in REM sleep and for Non-REM sleepers/dreamers, they may have friendly kinds of dreams." That is another way of how people can dream. 
            Lastly, dreams can help you learn. Your brain can teach itself while you are sleeping and a professor said it is called "off-line memory processing." Well, it was an interesting topic to touch on and dreams do come true most of the time. That is my blog of the day. I hope you liked it. 


Monday, November 24, 2014

What do you think about the Pebble Mine in Alaska? (Water Science How It Affects The Environment)

            Pebble is a hard igneous rock that contains crystals or it can be called a porphyry copper that deposits rocks in the water and it is the deposit that is the largest underdeveloped deposit of its kind. The pebble mine right now is an idea. An idea that could help power our nation’s green energy initiatives. It is an idea that could bring jobs, buildings, roads, and power supplies to Southwest Alaska. This will help villages and the communities thrive.

            There are also cons to the pebble mine. It is a controversy over the proposed pebble mine that is based on the potential risk to the salmon and other fisheries. It might create dirty waters and this will eventually lead to environmental disaster if built. The pebble mine can bring pollution like chemicals and toxins that could harm people and there could be an accidental spill of chemicals and byproducts like heavy metal and acid drainage to the environment. It is dangerous to fish and other wildlife. Salmon and freshwater fish are vulnerable to pollutants. This will threaten the fisheries and subsistence lifestyle in communities. So, there could be many disadvantages and advantages when thinking about the controversy about the Pebble mine in Alaska. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soda Tricks

        You ever put candy in soda? Well, I have always thought about what candy will make soda fizz up and make it drain out of the bottle or can. It seems like a fun science experiment to try. I was thinking maybe Altoids would be a first thing to try in a soda because it is a breath mint. Lastly, it would be good science project for like a chemistry kind of thing because you're mixing in stuff in soda.

Bright Lights in the Sky

     Do you ever look in the sky at the stars at night time? It is beautiful. The stars twinkle in your eyes. Sometimes, they are really bright and pretty to see. I love seeing stars in the night. The sky makes me feel peaceful and calm. My friends and I love watching them on the weekend. We always lay on each others stomachs and get comfortable. As friends, it is a good time to have fun and talk about whatever when watching the stars in the sky because you never know if there will be a shooting star. Anyways, this is what I think about stars in the sky.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Science Fair For School and My Blog Reasons

         I have never been in a school Science Fair before in my life. I always wanted to know the feeling of winning a badge or reward for my project but I never had the time to be in the Science Fair. It would have made me feel more like a Geek of Science. I really like Science now. It is one of my favorite subjects.

         I am doing Science blogs because it is easy to do. I have a class for the "The Survey of Science," since I learn in that class everyday, I decided to do blogs about what I learn everyday. I've come to like it a lot. It is one of my favorite things to do when I have free time. When I do my blogs, I have a lot to say and tell about the topics I choose, so bear with me. Anyways, I never been in a Science Fair and I hope my opinion and thoughts are good.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


            Drinking too much either on a special occassion or over time can take a serious toll on your health. There are many ways on how it can effect your body. Alcohol can kill your brain cells and affect your way of thinking. It could affect your brain because your coordination will be bad and your brain after you drink will have bad effects. It could affect your communition and your mood. One moment you could be happy and the next you could be mad. It is different for everyone.

             Another affect it could have on you if you drink alcohol is it could damage your heart. You could get high blood pressure or have a stroke. The third affect can be to your liver. It will destroy your liver inside and out. And you know what? You could get cancer from drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol could also affect your immune system because of all the toxins and stuff in the beer.

              You want to know the worst thing? Many people in the world drink and drive. I think that is horrible because from drinking and driving, people can get into car accidents and the person that is drunk driving can affect the person who they crashed into. The sober person will get injured because the drunk person crashed into them. That could be a physical happening from alcohol.

               Lastly, alcohol can cause fights and drama. I have noticed that some people can't handle drinking. They love the feeling of drama. Some people just get into lots of trouble when they drink. That is the main reason why I don't like or stand people drinking alcohol. It shouldn't have been brought into the world among other things like drugs. Anyways, that is all I have for today. I hope you guys like this post and my opinions and statements about alcohol.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What I Think About Marijuana

           I think marijuana is bad for your body. It is just as worse as smoking cigarettes. But I learned that marijuana fills up your lungs and I found out it is worse than cigarettes. I learned this when I seen a commercial and they showed a picture of marijuana and cigarettes and I seen what the difference was between how much the drugs filled up the lungs. That is why I will never do drugs. It affects your body and the insides of your body; your internal organs. I just think any drug is hazardous and dangerous. Don't do drugs like marijuana and smoking cigarettes. It affects the others around you and yourself.


         I think Botox is the worst thing that was ever invented. You just inject it into your body with a syringe/needle and bam it instantly ruins you. I see a lot of celebrities getting Botox and using it for their butts. That is just gross. Why not keep your body the same way as it is. Instead of injecting Botox into your supposedly flat butt, just eat and it will get bigger or gain muscle by working out a lot. I'm not saying this to be mean or anything but this is what I think in general.
         I also see women using it on their faces. In my opinion, don't use Botox. It destroys the real you and it defeats the purpose of being yourself. Everyone is beautiful without Botox. Botox is just a way of saying, "I need to get prettier because society says so." No, just no. Don't get Botox. It could be very hazardous to your life. It might even be life threatening. So, if you decide to get Botox, remember, don't get it because of society, get it because it is what you actually want to do it for yourself.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Opinion About The Super Typhoon

         I think that the super typhoon is not going to make it here on the Pribilof Islands. The super typhoon has weakened and that means that there is not going to be a typhoon here. I don't think that it will even make it because Japan is so far away and a typhoon is not just going to make it here just like that. The typhoon may be weakening and may become stronger but I'm not that scared anymore about it. I'm confident and serious that is my opinion.

It Is Just The Start!

        I believe this is the start of the end of the world. There will be a super typhoon in the North Pacific heading toward the Bering Sea region. This will be the biggest storm. The storm is headed toward the Bering Sea region and may hit the western Aleutians by Friday. The storm is commonly known as Super Typhoon Nuri. 

         Super Typhoon Nuri  is expected to hit the East Coast of Japan by Wednesday, November 5, 2014. Then, if it does come to our island on Friday, well there goes our island. We're surrounded by water, so it is going to be a big flood. There will be hurricane force winds, storm surges that are worst than the regular storms we have and there might be erosion from flooding. If there are Southwest winds on our island, then the harbor will be gone. Well, that is it, the weather update is this Wednesday to see whether or not the storm is going to hit the Aleutians and to see a clear image of what the storm will bring to the Aleutians.

        At first, before the Super Typhoon Nuri is expected to hit the Pribilofs, it will first hit somewhere else in the Aleutians. I believe it won't hit us because the typhoon is in Japan. But, I would be prepared for the next few days just in case. I live on St. Paul Island, Alaska. And our community is surrounded by the Bering Sea and we are the Pribilofs. I suggest everyone on the Pribilofs stay in Friday after school if you are a student or an adult.

        I have many opinions about this. I think it shouldn't hit the Aleutians. I don't want this storm to affect our island at all if it hits the Aleutians. I don't to deal with floods around town and evacuating if we have to. I'm too scared for that happening. But we can't predict the future, so have to wait until Wednesday to see how the storm is going to be.