Wednesday, January 21, 2015


         Why does there have to be germs? I don't like germs. They could get you sick. I don't like personally to go to the public bathrooms because how dirty and gross they are. Everyone has been in those bathrooms and you don't know what they leave sitting in the bathroom. The germs could just be waiting there. I'm kind of a Germophobe. I don't like germs. When someone is sick, I normally tell them to stay far away from me because I don't want to get sick. My friends always cough on me just to mess around with me. Anyways, if the world didn't have germs, then I would be much happier and not so cautious.

1 comment:

  1. You know what, a typical cell phone is dirtier then the human toilet. It may seem unreal but its true. People think public bathrooms are gross when they put something dirtier to their face. Germs are just apart of the human life, probably not only the human life but for other animals too. It only takes 1 germ to make you sick, and most cleaning products say 99.99% or 99.1% kills germs but I have never seen one that had said 100%. Its a strange world we live in. :)
