Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Future Inventions that the World Should Have

        Today in class, my class was reading the Hunger Games. We got to a part where Katniss and Peeta were in the Capitol and in the penthouse or their housing for them for District 12 during the Hunger Games. Katniss was going to take a shower and in the shower was a lot of buttons like ones for shampoo, soap, oils, etc. It does it all for you. When you get out of the shower, there is this big blow dryer thing that drys you off completely instead of using a towel. Another new thing for Katniss was she could pick food from a menu and it will pop up and be delivered for you from a table or something. There was even this thing, if someone tried to jump from the ledge or window, there is a forcefield that will bring you back up. Lastly, I learned that the window, you can use a remote to change the image of where you want to see like your home or outside. It is like a camera; it could zoom in and out.

        These are the things that should be invented. They are so cool and awesome. A shower with buttons and the shower will do it for you is just cool. Then, the food and all the other stuff are pretty cool too. These things should be the future inventions in life and in the world. Everyone would love the new inventions. Anyways, those are my thoughts for today.

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