Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Very Huge Earthquake with a Tsunami That Will End The World

     I believe this would be the fifth way of how the world is going to end. There will the biggest earthquake everywhere in the United States and out of the United States. The earthquake will then trigger all the oceans, seas,  and rivers to create the biggest tsunami in the whole world. Everyone will die because of this really big tsunami. This tsunami will wipe out everyone state, continent, country, and capital. At least, that is what I think is going to happen. This is the last way I think the world might end. Hope you guys liked my ideas on how the world might end. I will have new blogs with new topics next week. Until then, thank you for viewing my blogs.
Resources: Google Images

1 comment:

  1. This is a scary post. I don't think that there would be an earthquake that big, but it is possible. It is super scary to think about the world ending and being drowned by the ocean because I HATE the ocean! You have some interesting theories about the world ending. It is such a horrible thing to think about though.
