Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cooking and Eating Reindeer Meat

     When you cook reindeer meat, you will need a cutting board, knife, bowl or pan, and a meat grinder. Once you have these tools or items, start processing the reindeer meat. First, you cut the reindeer meat into small pieces and then put them into the meat grinder. Make sure the bowl or pan is under the meat grinder and place your hand on top of the meat to push it down. Don't put your fingers into the meat grinder, just place your palm on the meat to let the meat go into the grinder. If your fingers get into the grinder, they will get chopped off, so be cautious. Also, make sure to take the fat off the reindeer meat with your knife. The fat might clog up the meat grinder. Then, once you are done with that process for the meat, you could season the meat and cook it if you wanted to. That is how you cook reindeer meat.

Resources: Bering Sea Days/Teacher


  1. Not many people have had Reindeer. We are living in Norway right now and you can buy Reindeer at the local market. You can also buy whale steaks. I have tried both and they are very delicious. Do you hunt Reindeer or are they domesticated??

    1. Yes, reindeer is not half bad to try as a food. I believe not everyone has had it or even eaten reindeer before. When I first tried reindeer, it tasted like steak in a way. And that is interesting that you guys could get whale steaks. Or I mean we could get whale steaks. We hunt reindeer and they are not domesticated. We could even eat seal. Seal harvesting happens during the summer when the seals are here. Thanks for the comment. Glad you are reading my blog. :) Donna Jones
