Wednesday, November 26, 2014


             Dreams can be neurologically logical. What I mean by that is that your brains activity is different when you're sleeping. Your brain projects images and makes light out of dreams meaning that your dreams have picture. This might explain why dreams are "emotionally charged"and often deal with feelings of danger. 
             Last night, I had a weird dream. I was staying at a hotel in Anchorage at the Captain Cook with my Papa John. It was around night time and I was sleeping on my bed in the hotel room. Then, all of a sudden, I was pushed really hard by something. I got up really fast on my bed and the drawers in front of me were opening and slamming really hard. There was nothing there. It must have been an evil spirit. After that had happened in my dream, my papa got a lot of holy water and started to make crosses on the bed and walls. It was so scary. The crosses started to turn red and it started to burn. My cousin Kiana came to my room at our hotel and she brought holy water. She just randomly started sprinkling me with the water and getting me wet all over my clothes. I guess it was for protection. I was hearing a chant, but I wasn't picking up what it was saying or who was saying it. After a while, I left out of my hotel room and that was when I opened my eyes from my dream. I woke up scared and I looked at the time. It was four in the morning. I stared at the window for long time and then fell back asleep. That was my dream.         
            You can also dream during "Non-REM" sleep. REM means Rapid Eye Movement while your asleep. Non-REM sleep is when you are dreaming and you're sleeping. Now, REM sleep is when you are at the stage of waking up from your dream. But you are more than likely to remember your dreams in REM dreams than those who are in Non-REM. So, during REM sleep, people may interact with more people other than themselves. They may interact with strangers and the dreamer may have "socially aggressive interactions in REM sleep and for Non-REM sleepers/dreamers, they may have friendly kinds of dreams." That is another way of how people can dream. 
            Lastly, dreams can help you learn. Your brain can teach itself while you are sleeping and a professor said it is called "off-line memory processing." Well, it was an interesting topic to touch on and dreams do come true most of the time. That is my blog of the day. I hope you liked it. 


1 comment:

  1. I hate having scary dreams like that. Well people call them nightmares, this is why I cannot watch scary movie or scary things because I have the worst nightmares ever. It seems to be that when I have a nightmare and I wake up then go back to bed it seems to continue. I have no clue if that is even possible but it seems to always happen, and I think it is very odd. Also I think I just might be going crazy or something because when I tell people that they say it is not possible, but I dont know. I am not a scientist so I have no clue if it true. But anyways dreaming is weird and when it happen in real life it makes me kind of scared for some reason. But I love reading your blog it is interesting yet sometimes it freaks me out but it is also a lot of fun to read. :)
