Wednesday, November 12, 2014


            Drinking too much either on a special occassion or over time can take a serious toll on your health. There are many ways on how it can effect your body. Alcohol can kill your brain cells and affect your way of thinking. It could affect your brain because your coordination will be bad and your brain after you drink will have bad effects. It could affect your communition and your mood. One moment you could be happy and the next you could be mad. It is different for everyone.

             Another affect it could have on you if you drink alcohol is it could damage your heart. You could get high blood pressure or have a stroke. The third affect can be to your liver. It will destroy your liver inside and out. And you know what? You could get cancer from drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol could also affect your immune system because of all the toxins and stuff in the beer.

              You want to know the worst thing? Many people in the world drink and drive. I think that is horrible because from drinking and driving, people can get into car accidents and the person that is drunk driving can affect the person who they crashed into. The sober person will get injured because the drunk person crashed into them. That could be a physical happening from alcohol.

               Lastly, alcohol can cause fights and drama. I have noticed that some people can't handle drinking. They love the feeling of drama. Some people just get into lots of trouble when they drink. That is the main reason why I don't like or stand people drinking alcohol. It shouldn't have been brought into the world among other things like drugs. Anyways, that is all I have for today. I hope you guys like this post and my opinions and statements about alcohol.

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