Thursday, February 19, 2015


              Wetlands are areas of water that supports aquatic plants. Marshes, swamps, and bogs such as moss are found in wetlands. The plant species is adapted to the very moist and humid conditions and this includes pond lilies, cattails, sedges, tamarack, and black spruce. Wetlands have the highest species in the diversity of plants in all of the ecosystems. There are animals such as amphibeans, reptiles, birds, such as ducks, and mammals can be found in the wetlands. Wetlands are not freshwater ecosystems. But saltwater, and freshwater can be found. Temperatures vary depending on the location of the wetland. Many of the world's wetlands are in temperate zones like between the North/South Pole and the equator. In these zones, summers are warm and winters are cold but temperatures are not extreme.

Resources: Science class

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