Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Aging and Wrinkles

           My birthday is in eleven days on February 21. I am going to be 18 years old. I'm going to be an official adult. I can't wait, but I'm just getting older so that is not so exciting. My friends birthday is today and she is fourteen years old now. We all age everyday and year. Every year we have our birthday. We were all born a newborn. All of us were growing in our mothers' womb and then nine months later we come out as a baby.
           As we get older, we start to look older and some people get wrinkles and some have gray or white hair. There are many things to fix how old you look. Make up can fix how old you look and hair dye could fix your hair from grey to whatever color or white to whatever color. For wrinkles, you can probably fix it by make up or botox if you want to be on the risky side. Also, as we age, our hearing or eye sight can change because we are getting to that age where everything changes. So, basically we all age and get wrinkles some day in our lives.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it so exciting but sad at the same time that you are going to be 18? Going to have to go to college and get everything situated for the future? We will be in the real world after school! :) Another thing i would like to point out or ask, aren't we in the whom for 10 months? But, we just don't count the first trimester?
