Monday, April 27, 2015

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

            Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can continue through adolescence and adulthood but it is one of the most common childhood “brain disorders” among the other disorders that there may be. Before the new name Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder came, it was called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).The symptoms may include difficulty staying focused on a particular task, paying attention, they have trouble controlling their behavior, and they have hyperactivity or over-activity. Without the proper treatment for ADHD, it can cause difficulty at home, school, at work, and getting along with other children or adults. With the proper treatment, however, most people with ADHD can be successful in school, at home, at work, and they could lead in their productive lives that they may have.
            There is no cure for the disorder but there may be treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of ADHD. The key behaviors of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. To be diagnosed with ADHD, a child must have the symptoms for at least 6 or more months to be considered to have the disorder. Children who have symptoms of inattention may: Be easily distracted, they miss details, forget things, and they may change from activity to activity. They have difficulty focusing on just one thing. They become bored with an activity or task just after a few minutes, unless they are doing something fun and enjoyable. They have trouble paying attention with organizing, completing a task or learning something new in class. The student may have trouble completing or turning in homework. For example, they often lose some of their school supplies, such as, pencils, assignments, or pens in order to complete whatever their assignment is or activity. They don’t listen when someone is talking to them. They may daydream or become easily confused and move slowly. Apart from a normal person, they think differently like they have difficulty procession information as quickly and efficient as other people do. Lastly, they have trouble following instructions that are given to them. Children who have symptoms of hyperactivity may: move around in their seat, can’t stay in one spot for too long, talk nonstop, touch everything they see, be constantly in motion, and have trouble being quiet. Children who have symptoms of impulsivity may: be very impatient, say inappropriate comments, show their emotions without hesitating, and act without knowing what the consequences are, they have trouble waiting for things that they need or want when either playing a game or completing a task. Lastly, they often interrupt or intrude in others conversation or activity. This certain disorder of ADHD may be mistaken for other common problems.
            The causes of ADHD may be the genes that come in your family bloodline, environmental factors, brain injuries, sugar, and food additives. Treatments include medication, various types of psychotherapy, education and training, or a combination of treatments that may help the ADHD patient. The people who are in risk of this disorder can be any age but the average age is before the age of 7 years old. Learning, change in their lives, sleeping as well as getting along with others are the problems during this time of age in the ADHD patient person.
            There is no way to prevent Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The use of cigarettes, alcohol, or other drugs during pregnancy may increase the rick of retrieving ADHD. So, I suggest that pregnant mothers to not smoke drink or do any drugs that may risk your child receiving this disorder ADHD. It is bad to do that; too, it could cause other disorders.
            There are many instructional strategies that can help student with ADHD. Teachers could help with their distractibility issues. They could help with their interrupting issues. The third thing that teachers could help with is impulsivity. The fourth difficulty that they could help with is fidgeting and hyperactivity. The last thing that they could try to help with is their following directions and getting along with others. For other issues, they could help with the subjects for if they like math, the teacher could help them master it and they could master in their homework at home. These are the instructional strategies that could help teachers who have students with ADHD. In conclusion, all of these facts and things about ADHD will help teachers, parents, and others to get to know about this disorder.


How to Recognize ADHD Symptoms in Children”

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