Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Maze Runner Ending

          When I finished The Maze Runner in class, there was a surprising turn of events in the movie. Alby was stung by a Griever in the maze and Minho tried to help him back before the gates to the Gladers were closing. Thomas rushes through the maze to help them, but the door closed behind them. Minho and Thomas picked up Alby and walked with him to try and keep him safe from the Grievers. Then, one Griever spotted Thomas and Minho and Minho ran but Thomas stayed and tried to help Alby over the wall. The Griever chased Thomas around the maze and the maze was changing and finally Thomas somehow killed the Griever. The Griever got caught between the closing walls and it died instantly.
         The next day Gally called for a meeting of the Gladers. Most of the group were excited that Thomas killed a Griever. There's another group though that felt that ever since Thomas got there, rules and things have changed. Grievers were attacking during the day. Then, the elevator arrived. The boys run to the elevator and there are no supplies, only a girl. She looks up and says, "Thomas." She passed out and in her hand there was a note that said, "She's the last one ever."
         Gally calls for Thomas to be punished because non Runners are not allowed to run in the maze when ever they want. He didn't like the fact that the girl knew who Thomas was. Newt said that Thomas can be locked up overnight without any food and starting the next day, he will be a Runner.
         A bunch of the boys go back into the maze. They took a look at the carcass of the Griever and what they found was a weird looking device that had an electronic display reading the number 7. The device also was marked with WCKD. They realize whoever sends the supplies also made the Grievers. Minho shows Thomas a map of the maze. There are different sections that open each day as the maze changes. Each outer section is numbered.
        Later the girl wakes up and she was on top of the tower throwing stuff at the boys on the ground. Thomas yells up at her and tells her it is him and she stops and lets him up. They start talking and he reassures her about all of their memories being erased. She remembers her name and her name is Teresa. They both have the same dreams where a lady is saying that, "Wicked is Good." When Teresa woke up she found two syringes in her pocket.
        The next morning Thomas and Minho go into the maze with the device they retrieved from the Griever. The device started making beeping noises and it guides them to a new section that Minho has never seen before. They get to a place where it is marked WCKD Loading Dock that ends up in a dead end but the device turned from red to green and it opened a new path. It leads to a tunnel. They go back to the Glade.
         Thomas decided to use one of the syringes on Alby for his injury from the Griever. It ends up making him better. Alby tells Thomas, "You were their favorite." Then, all the outside doors of the maze opened and a lot of Grievers come in and killed most of the boys and they destroyed most of their village. The Gladers use the second syringe and Thomas remembers how he got to the village. He confessed to everyone that he is one of the people responsible for everyone being there. After, the Gladers become divided into two sides. Thomas and his side and Gally and his side. Thomas and his group left out to the maze.
         Luckily, they found a way out. They look around and explore the place that they got to after the danger with Grievers. They watched a video of a woman and she told them all about why they were put there in the first place. Gally came after and he was stung. He pointed his gun at the group and was talking. Then, he shot and the bullet shot Chuck, a young boy, who was Thomas's friend. Gally was killed by a spear. In the end, guys that look like army men or special team guys came and took the group in a helicopter and they were taken to a safe place.


  1. I really liked this movie, probably because the percy jackson was in it. It made me really curious on the future. Another thing is that it made me think about the consequences if that would really happen to some people or even us. Getting experimented on and never knew where they were or who they are.

  2. I have never watched this movie. By the way you describe it you make it sound like a good movie. I have heard good and bad reviews on this movie. I am not to sure if I will watch it but maybe I will. I am not really into these types of movies so I am not sure if i would like it.
