Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Exorcism: Demonic Possession

            The belief that demons exist and can possess people is fictional. It is shown in horror films but it is one of the most widely held religious beliefs in the world. Most religions claim that demonic spirits can possess humans. Exorcisms could be offered to eradicate or get rid of this horrible threat. Spiritualism, a religion that came across America in the 1800s and is still practiced in a few places today, teaches death is a false idea or belief and that spirits can possess humans.
            The word exorcism derives from the Greek word for oath, “exousia.” “To exorcise means something along the lines of placing the possessing spirit under oath, invoking a higher authority to compel the spirit, rather than an actual “casting out.” This becomes clear when the demonic entity is commanded to leave the person, not by the authority of a priest but instead, “in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This is also when the demonic entity tries to fight back. That is the hardest part and the scary part when the priest is commanding the entity to leave the individual’s body.
            Priests who pursue the ministry of exorcism “manifest the Church’s love and acceptance of those who suffer because of the Devil’s works.” The belief that demons exist and can possess people is in many religions, including Christianity. Exorcisms date back to the time of Jesus, according to the bible, “cast out demons.” Exorcism is a “highly unusual ministry for a situation in the human condition, which is quite rare, but is growing in frequency.” In the spiritual realm, exorcism is a bit like brain surgery. Real exorcisms are not quite like what we see in movies but some movies portray a version of events that could actually happen. Signs that a person may be possessed, though never proven by science, include a strong dislike to anything that applies to the church. For example, holy water or crosses/crucifixes will weaken the demonic entity, the entity will have strength and knowledge, weird voices, and levitation are all paranormal things. Priests always look for natural explanations first, such as mental illnesses or addiction problems.
            The Vatican first issued official guidelines on exorcism in 1614, and revised them in 1999. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signs of demonic possessions include superhuman strength, a strong dislike for holy water, and the ability to speak in unknown languages. Other signs include spitting, cursing, and “excessive masturbation.” There is no levitation, spinning heads, or demonic scratch marks appearing on anyone’s faces. There are hundreds of exorcists around the world, along with many Vatican-sanctioned exorcists.
            Today, exorcists are normally experienced in both psychology and spiritual matters. The job requires specialty in training. The practice of getting rid of demons is not “unique to the Catholic Church, but it does have a long history with Christianity. Exorcisms continue to be performed, often on people who are emotionally and mentally disturbed. Exorcisms are done on a person who has strong religious faith. If you believe that you are possessed and that an exorcism will cure you, then it just might. It is due to the power of suggestion and psychology.
However, exorcisms can have deadly consequences. It could be scary and harmful to humans or others. People who believe in the devil are Atheists. The devil doesn’t do anything but bad, so why change to the dark side. Nowadays, people believe in illuminati. Come on, that is dumb and it is not real. You could believe what you believe but it is dumb to believe in illuminati. Anyways, that is what I got to say. If you’re interested about this kind of stuff, then I hope you liked reading about exorcisms and demonic possessions. 


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