Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pulling a Muscle: Muscle/Back Strain

       Yesterday in Carpentry class, there were only five of us in class. So, we all decided to go to the gym and play basketball for a little bit. When I shot a three pointer, a very big pain shot through the lower part of my back. I was stiff for a little while because my back was really hurting. I didn't know what I did for a while but I kept shooting around in the gym to see if it would go away but it didn't. Then, after that, the class went down to the weight room and I just laid down the whole time. I thought that would work but it did not work. I was still feeling the pain in my lower back. 
       After class was over, I called the clinic to set up an appointment for the next day. That night, I couldn't sleep very well; I was tossing and turning. It was a sensational pain all night long. I was strong all-night and slept through the pain. It got a little better the next day but I could still feel my backache from the pain. I went to my appointment around lunch. The doctor did their normal routine with every patient with the vitals and weight/height check-ups. Then, they checked on how I was doing and what was wrong with me. I told her that I have been having back pain and that it started the day when I was in the gym playing basketball.
      She checked my back and lightly went down back to see where it hurt. She also checked if my kidneys hurt to see if I have a kidney infection. If I had a kidney infection, then I would have a Urinal Tract Infection or a fever. I didn't seem to have those symptoms and my kidneys didn't hurt. She did a whole bunch of weird things like I had to walk across the room twice on my toes and heels. She stretched my legs a certain way to see if it hurt and I had to move my feet and legs. All of these things that she checked on came down to a pulled muscle or muscle/back strain.
      I pulled my muscle while playing basketball. This is my first injury. It really hurts. All I need to do for treatment is ice my back pain area four times a day for twenty minutes. I can't stop doing anything; I have to stay active. I have to do certain kinds of stretches. There is no heavy lifting, rotation, and swinging movements that may exacerbate low back strain. Pulling a muscle is the worst pain and I suggest that you be careful when playing sports and to stretch properly before playing or doing anything major. That is the joy of pain; it demands to be felt. That is my start of the week folks. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Future Educators of Alaska Academy in Juneau- University of Southeast

          I left Saint Paul Island, Alaska on March 16th of this month. When we first got to Anchorage, we had a little free time. The next day on the 17th, the State Officers in each organization like our Future Educators of Alaska organization had to prepare for our big event at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage. I am the State President in Future Educators of Alaska. I have been in FEA for three years now. I have been the Secretary of State, Vice President, and I am spending my last year in FEA as a State Officer in the Career Technical Student Organizations. The State officers meet in September, January, and in March before the conferences and competitions start for the organizations to prepare for everything in March at the conference.
         On the 17th, we had meetings with our committees like I had to be in the opening committee with the other State Presidents from the other organizations. Our meetings went on all day. The meetings are for preparing for the opening and closing ceremony and all of the events that will be happening in the Career Technical Student Organizations convention which is usually March 19-21 every year but it changes every year. On the 19th of March, our conferences at CTSO started, State Officers had to be up early and ready by 7 in the morning and the meetings/activities would be all day. The day would end at night every day. Then, on the 20th-21st of March, there is more activities and workshops for all the organizations and at the end of the conferences, there is a dance/banquet, and a closing ceremony. The last day in Anchorage we shopped and had fun. The next day we arrived in Juneau for the FEA Academy.
          The FEA Academy is about two to three days. During my 10th grade year, we toured the University of Alaska Anchorage campus and during my 11th grade year, we toured the University of Alaska Fairbanks college. This year we are in Juneau, and we are touring the University of Alaska Southeast college. My chaperone, classmate, and I got here in Juneau yesterday on the 22nd of March, and we are staying at the Extended Stay Hotel. Today, the 23rd of March, many activities have happened at the UAS college. Everyone in FEA had to be in the lobby of our hotel at 7:45 in the morning. By 8:10 in the morning, every group had to board buses and we are separated by group animals. My chaperone and I are in the Salmon group and my classmate is in the dog group. So, there are different animal groups and they separate every one by district so everyone could get to know one another rather than staying with your district who you already know. After that, we stayed at the UAS campus the whole day and we went back to the hotel at 7:15 at night.
         I really like the UAS campus because it is really beautiful and I feel like I am at home with seeing the totem poles. I am from Southeast, so it really is cool to tour the UAS campus. I am thinking about going to UAS this year because I am graduating this year on May 15, 2015. I can't wait to graduate and go to UAS. It is going to be an adventurous year and a year filled with experiences.
        Unfortunately, I leave tomorrow night around 6 to go to the airport and get checked in. We go to the UAS campus one more time and stay there all day like today from morning until dinner time. I am really sad that it is my last year in FEA. FEA has really made an impact on my life. I am more of a leader, role model, and social person. It has helped me get out of my comfort zone. Although, I can say that I did accomplished a lot in FEA. I was State Officer for three years and I won in a competition this year. So, I feel like I am leaving Future Educators of Alaska as a legend or a person to be remembered by all. I would say Future Educators of Alaska is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cool Quote That I Like

          “Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.” This quote is very interesting to me. I like it a lot. I think it means that people appear bright and smart but when they talk it is slower than light. Light travels faster than sound. So, when we talk, we are slower than light. This quote really had me thinking but I think I figured it out. What do you think it means? Do you think you could figure it out? Read the quote and think about it for a bit.

Resources: Google Images

Marie Sklodowska Curie

               Marie Sklodowska Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneer research on radioactivity. She was born in Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland, then apart of Russian Empire. She was once denied admission to a university because she was a woman. She went on to become the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, and today she remains the only person in history to be awarded two Nobel Prizes in two different fields of science. Unfortunately, she died on July 4, 1934.

Resources: Facebook 

Lise Meitner

              Lise Meitner was an Austrian physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. At the time, women were not permitted to attend the university in Austria, but she didn’t let that stop her. In 1926, she became the first woman in Germany to hold a professorship in physics. Meitner co-discovered nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts. It was an achievement for which her colleague Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize. She died on October 27, 1968.

Resources: Facebook 

Henrietta Lacks

              Henrietta Lacks is another great woman. Before her death in 1951, her doctor took and saved several tissue samples from her cervix without her permission or knowledge. From these cells came the world’s first “immortal cell line”.  It is also known as the HeLa cell line. Her cells have been used to develop everything from cloning to the Polio vaccine. They have been used to develop cancer drugs, drugs to treat HIV, herpes, Parkinson’s disease, and hundreds of others. Scientists have grown more than 20 tons of her cells, and they’re involved in more than 11,000 patents involving HeLa cells.

Resources: Facebook

Katherine Johnson

               Katherine Johnson is an American physicist and mathematician who calculated NASA’s rocket flight trajectories. She was involved in the Apollo mission, the Space Shuttle program, the Earth Resources Satellite, and plans for a mission to Mars. Her work was so accurate that when NASA switched to using computers, they would call on her to check the computers calculations for errors. That is a very great accomplishment in life. I would be so thrilled to be an American physicist with NASA. Katherine Johnson is a great lady who reached for the stars in accomplishing her dreams and goals. It all paid off in the long run. She is a lady to remember.

Resources: Facebook